So you've just received your paralegal exam materials and you're staring at hundreds of pages of content that you need to know for the what?

We think the best way to ensure success on the paralegal exam comes from following these easy steps:

Frequently Asked Questions

Below is list of frequently asked questions that we receive from students preparing for the exam. Feel free to send us an email if you have any questions and we’ll do our best to answer them.

1.          How long is the LSO paralegal exam?

The exam is 7 hours in duration.

All 2020-21 licensing process year examinations have been temporarily reduced in length from 7 hours to 4 hours.

2.          What is the format of the LSO paralegal exam?

The exam is all multiple choice.

All 2020-21 licensing process year examinations have been temporarily reduced in length to 160 questions.

3.          How should I study?

See our study tips below.

4.          How is the exam graded and what is the pass rate?

There is little official information published about the pass rates.  There is a misguided belief that almost everyone passes the Ontario paralegal exam, but the truth is that students DO fail the Ontario paralegal exam. Be sure to respect the process of the exam. 

Study Tips

So you've just received your paralegal exam materials and you're staring at hundreds of pages of content that you need to know for the what?

We think the best way to ensure success on the paralegal exam comes from following these easy steps:

Study Schedule & Reading the Materials

Make a study schedule with milestones of how much material you want to cover by each date. There is no need to take notes while you read. We suggest reading with a highlighter to keep you focused on the content (it also keeps you awake). When reading, remember you do not need to memorize the content - you are not studying to be a surgeon. Rather, you need to be aware of where various concepts that are discussed in the materials and have a general understanding of the principles of each section. Trust your ability to recall general information that you have read.

Practice Exams

Once you're done reading the materials, try your hand at some sample questions. This is the best way to test your knowledge of the materials. Students often complain that they simply ran out of time on test day, so we suggest practicing under time constraints.

Exam Day

Keeping your normal routine is important, even if you've lost some sleep from the night before. Arrive at the exam location early enough to get your bearings. Once inside the test room, you won't be permitted to leave, so feel free to take some time to yourself outside. Once inside, set-up your desk to prepare for the exam. Most venues offer ample desk space, so spread out your materials to make research easier during the exam. 

You will be permitted to take certain foods into the test room, so be sure to pack some light snacks, including water.  These will help give you energy throughout the exam.  Remember, this exam is more about stamina and your ability to remain focused than it is about testing your vast knowledge of all concepts.

It is important to remain aware of your timing. It is a good idea to bring a timer of your own for quick reference. Some students prepare a timing index that outlines how long each question should take and which question they should be on at which time, which can be referred to throughout the exam. 

Finally, be aware that test administrators will strictly enforce the rules, especially timing. No one will be permitted to leave with any of their materials (including binders, summaries, etc.), so be prepared to leave anything you bring in to the exam.

And remember to take a deep breath!